The astral body is an exact replica of the physical body but it is essentially composed of finer matter. It is the link between the nervous system and the cosmic reservoir of energy and corresponds to what many are known as out-of-body experiences (OOBEs).
The astral body, said to be the instrument of passions, emotions, and desires, it interpenetrates and extends beyond the physical body.
When the astral body separates from the physical body during sleep, or by the influence of drugs or even an accident, it takes with it the capacity for feeling and only with its return can pain or any other such phenomena be felt.
However, that is wha twe have been taught to know about the astral body. But, there is something far more sinister that is tied to this aspect of us that has the ability to affect our lives in a myriad of ways.
What if I told you that we have been programmed and taught to think of the astral body as this “wonderful body double” of the physical body that can access higher dimensional realms, visit mystery schools and other places while we sleep?
What if I told that that in actuality, the astral body is actually an implanted, conjured body that has been imposed upon us at birth and has been designed to trap and force you to go into the astral realms while you are sleeping where you can become heavily affected by all of the different types of nasty beings that inhabit this realm?
That’s right.
How many bodies do you think we are actually meant to have?
Most are aware of this concept. The physical body, the spiritual body and the astral body.
The astral body is actually a decoy (trap).
The reality is, we actually have TWO bodies. The physical and the spiritual body.
The Spiritual Body.
The spiritual body is where our soul essence is hosted and is made up of 3 sub bodies:
The Mental/Intellectual Aspect
The Emotional/Intuitive Aspect
The Creative/Sexual Aspect
These 3 aspects together create an electromagnetic field or auric field around the body.
No, you DO NOT need an astral body to astral travel or project into other realms. That is what we have been “taught” to know and understand.
This is completely false.
Your Spirit Body/Soul can actually bi-locate to many different places at once. It can travel at thought speed and can travel through time and dimensions in an instant!
It usually keeps 50% of itself with the Earth body while it goes out on its travels, BUT it can manage the body with only 5% if necessary.
What many do not realize is, the astral body is responsible for a lot of problems in our lives as it connects us not only in sleep, but in waking consciousness (as many have the ability to access this body in waking consciousness) and this escalates anxiety, fear and dread energies into terror, which the astral beings (and others) cultivate and feast off of. I personaly had 8 astral bodies and only after their removal I realised that my subtle daily terror gone with them for good.
It is a place where you are more vulnerable and can be abducted easier.
It is easier to manipulate, use and abuse us when we go there! This realm is extremely creepy, vile and nasty.
There are so many things that can be placed upon us while we are in the astrals.
When your astral body comes back into your physical body, those distortions and other things that have been placed upon your astral body, begins to integrate into your physical and spiritual bodies and can have long-lasting and VERY deep affects in your life.
Not only that, but there are many of us that actually have more than one astral body. One person can have as many as 25 astral bodies.
Removing the astral body benefits:
– No more attacks at night while you sleep
– No more of a permanent subtle terror feeling
– No more being able access you while you sleep for information
– No more abductions while you sleep
– No more waking up with scratches, marks or finger prints
– No more tiredness when you wake up
– No more feeling like you are working all night
– No more tossing and turning and restless sleep
– Wake up instantly
– No longer groggy and lost feeling
– No longer waking up confused
– and much more!
Once your astral body (or bodies) have been removed from you, they can never be placed back onto you.
If you suffer from the terror like sensation during the day, from insomnia and psychic attacks at night while you sleep, and you wake up with weird marks, scratches or other things on your body, that are simply unexplainable, this session is definitely one you want to receive right away.
The Astral Body Removal session is 1 hour session and requires you to be laying down on your back with your eyes closed.
This session can be performed on children that are 2 years of age and older.
Session Cost: £222
Before purchasing, contact me directly to determine if you have an astral body, and how many you have. If you do not have an astral body, there is no reason for you to receive this session. The amount of astral bodies you may possess does not reflect the amount of sessions required. This session will remove ALL astral bodies. You will never need more than one session.
November 2022
Katka, [16. 11. 2022 18:24]
You had 10 astral bodies removed and I would like to know how you are feeling now.
A.S., [16. 11. 2022 19:04]
My husband and I have been together 24/7 for last 7 years and I couldn't stand him anymore (like last 1 year at minimum), I didn't talk to him at all. This harrowing feeling is much milder now. I am still bothered by certain things, but I feel like it will sort itself out somehow, that I don't have to deal with it.
I feel that I don't want to be preoccupied with problems and I don't want to think about problems. I also have more joyful feelings; I even admit the possibility that it could be a nice relationship again.
Katka, [16. 11. 2022 19:05]
Yay, that sounds so nice. I am happy with you that you are experiencing such change.
A. S., [16. 11. 2022 19:13]
Yes, I am really looking forward to it. In fact, my husband is a good and smart person. I told him not to judge me, because he does not have a clue what I'm going through and what everything was going on inside me. If he had not known me for 40 years and known me other than my horrible few years self, he would have already left me a long time ago for sure.
Katka, [16. 11. 2022 19:17]
We've all been hatching these past few years; the process looks anything but not rainbow. Everything is a process of change. It pushes here, it bursts there, and breaks elsewhere else.
A.S., [16. 11. 2022 19:17]
And I'm happy Katka and thank you so much, what you're doing is amazing, and thank you that you are at all ❤️
January 2021
I still am not that morning person, but in general I was sleeping and awakening up well.
What is different for me is how I feel and think during the day.
I found out I am more rested, like my nervous system calmed down. Before it was felt like having a cloud of constant terror and some king of pressure over me. As if you feel threatened by things in life and more likely resonated with sort of torture. (All these perceiving I felt like from distance or the tunnel and not directly from reality in life. But it was permanently there for last 5-10 years I guess) And now, it is changed, it's gone. I feel I am safe. It is difficult to explain though. And with this safe feeling I am laying down in bed every evening now, what feels so different. And so, in the morning. This is the change with my sleeping pattern.
During my session I was sensing like if veils of something were lifting and removed one by one. Only space and light remained. And it is still with me, that light, that me.
Also, my thinking during the day comes up now from the place of safety. Like as nothing stopping me from my goals. There is enough time for everything without that constant survival instinct. I can say I feel different.
What I have realised is that my face expression changed a bit too. It's softer, like more me again. If I look in my eyes, I can see myself again, I can reconnect now with my soul. Long time ago I had a dilemma what's going on that I cannot see myself in my eyes in a mirror anymore. It is to be changed now for me.
Thank you so much!