The Digestive System is uniquely constructed to do its job of turning food into the nutrients and energy which we need for staying
healthy, functioning properly, for growth and repairing cells.
The other job is to package a solid waste, or stool, for disposal by a bowel movement.
The digestive system is made up of gastrointestinal (GI) tract and liver, pancreas and gallblader.
The GI tract is a series of hollow organs that are connected to each other from your mouth to your anus. The organs that make up your GI tract, in the order that they are connected, include your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus.
Digestive process
involves a series of physical and chemical actionas that break down food into nutrient particles small enough for absorption.
include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
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My perspective how I look at the digestive system or how I perceive it, is identical with the digestive system functioning of our capacity to accept, process and eliminate informations/frequency from the food, space, people and situations in general. And we store all memories connected with this processes within. It simply gets materialized in the matter, and so within our digestive system.
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Any disbalance (sickness) associated with the digestive system generally has to do with
Appreciation Issues
Being Accepted / Loved
Nurturing / Emotional Satisfaction / Comfort
Ability to swallow and assimilate reality
Abilities to release and let go
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If people do not know what it feels like to be loved and accepted, the stomach is affected and the food does not get digested properly.
If you become angry that you ate something that perhaps you truly shold not have, there is the possibility that the food will not get digested correctly because of your emotion. This is how sensitive the stomach is and how the intuitive person can permit their emotions to affect their health.
Wahtever diet we eat we should have the bowel movement about one half hour after eating. The more limited beliefs and programs we resolve from within, the more balanced our PH and bowel movement will be.
The digestive system is a prevalent place in the body where abuse is stored.
Children growing up in violent situations do not realize that the abuse they are experiencing is bad. They may accept is as normal. Children express themselves because of abuse in a different way. What registers in the mind of one person as abuse might not seem like abuse to another. Abuse can be a medical treatment given to a child that they do not understand. This could be enema given to a child.
If an adult says to a child ''You are ugly'', or when childen tease each other, can be register as abuse. The body collects these memories and places them in patterns inside the organs.
If a person witnesses abuse done to another person (in the childhood witnessing a family dynamics like a physical, mental or psychological terror), the body can also store this as abuse. Abused could be physical, emotional, verbal, spiritual, sexual and financial.
Many allergies and intollerancies for food are based on the old trauma when a particular food was digested at the exact time of the trauma. And so the body stored memory about it to be recognized as a harm on the next encounter. That's why the body reacts allergic to it.
When we go through the intestinal tract we can identify and resolve/disolve these old emotions and programs.
Abuse is held in the body in the abdominal area.
The lower right side of the abdomen holds sexual abuse, while the lower left side of the body holds emotional abuse.
The Solar Plexus area holds Shame.
The Liver holds Anger.
The Spleen area holds Fear and Guilt.
The Gallbladder holds Bitterness.
The liver holds on anger. If the liver is diseased with cirrhosis, the person will anger quickly. The liver has old programs (limited beliefs) of stored hate. People wiith liver diseases need to let go of hate in order to be cured.
The Digestive system disorders / disbalances:
Anorexia, Bulimia, Colitis, Crohn's, Constipation, Ulcers, Food Poisoning, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Gallstones, Gum problems, Halitosis, Gastritis, Heart Burn, Hiatus Hernia, Indigestion, Haemorrhoids, Cirrhosis, Fatty Liver, Mucus Colon, IBS, Nausea, Obesity, Alcoholic Hepatitis), Appendicitis, Pancreatitis, Diverticular Disease, Cancer (Throat, Esophagus, Stomach, Intestinal, Colorectal), Inflammatory intestinal disease, Polyps,
Parasitic (Helminthic) Diseases -Tapeworm Infestitation, Pinworm Infestitation, Hookworm Infestitation, Trichinosis, Hidatid Disease and Ascariasis,
Fungal Diseases - Ergot and Aflatoxin Poisoning,
Protozoan Diseases - Giardiasis, Amoebic Dysentery, Cryptosporidiosis and Cyclospora diarrheal infection,
Viral Diseases - Mumps, Diabetes, Hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E, F) , CMV, Viral Gastroenteritis (Rotavirus or Norwalk Virus)
Bacterial Diseases of the Mouth - Dental Caries, Periodontal Disease
Bacterial Diseases of the Lower Digestive System - Staphylococcal food poisoning, Shigellosis, Salmonellosis, Cholera, Typhoid Fever, Vibro Parahaemonlyticus Gastroenteritis, Vibro Vulnificus Gastroenteritus, E. Coli Gastroenteritus, Campylobacter, Helicobacter, Yersinia Gastroenteritus, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus Cereus Gastroenteritus.
The examples of (+) Beneficial Programs and Downloads for 100% Divine function of the digestive system. These are either re-activated or downloaded during the restoration session:
I digest and assimilate all experiences peacefully
I feel tolerance, love and compassion for all people
I release and dissolve the past
I am a clear thinker.
I trust my inner voice
I am strong, wise and powerful.
It's safe to be me.
I am wonderful just as I am
I am loved and nourished and supported by life itself
I speak with gentleness and love
I am safe.
I trust the process of life.
I love and approve of myself
I am calm
I know what it feels like to live without fear
I know how to live without resentment
I know what a mother's/father's love feels like
I know what it feels like to be secured/protected/safe
I know what it feels like toto truly love someone
I know what it feels like to be cherished
I know what it feels like to accept myself
I know what it feels like to be nurtured
I know what it feels like to live without abuse
I know what it feels like to allow my food to be absorbed
I know how to live with strenght
I know how to nurture myself
I know when I am full
I have tons of energy
I love my body
I diggest my food properly
I can forgive my past
I can let go of my past
I know how to say No
I choose who I give my body
I feel tolerance, love and compassion
I know how to live without abusing myself and others.
The examples of (-) non beneficial beliefs and programs that are causing imbalance within digestive system. All related beliefs are either removed or re-programmed during the restoration session:
I have to eat everything on my plate.
Everything I eat makes me fat
I am not good enough
I allow other to abuse my kindness
I am a victim
It is impossible to defend myself
I am defeated
I live in regret (anguish)
I carry the defeat of my ancestors
I carry the anguish of my ancestors
I have to hide
I have to let others hurt me
I feel everyone's pain
People abuse me
I have to be abused
I am afraid of the future
I hold on to abuse
I am sexually abused
I am afraid I will be abused
I am fat
I have to be fat to stay loyal
I am fat to stand out
I am fat to fit in
I am happy only when I eat
I must help everyone even when I am exhausted
I find joy only when I eat
I never eat
Food is bad
I live only in my past
I hate my father
I hate my mother
I must give my body to others so they will love me
I must permit people to abuse me to be loved
I must experience disease & disorder to heal it.
You may check using the muscle testing or other technique whether you have active those beliefs and programs within your psychic system. Also, you can check them out after the session is performed. I can garantee you that all of them will be gone from your subconscious and conscious mind.
Legend: Used literature
The Aim Of the Restoration Session Is to Bring Digestive System back Into Balance And to its 100% Functionality.
during this session?
within this system?
Divine Love
Being Protected
Being Appreciated
Being Accepted
THE SESSION is performed at distance and this is a non-visual session. You will be required to lay down for 1.5 hours on your back with eyes closed.
Integration time is 1 week and full integration takes up to 3 months.
Session Cost: £250
Trauma Release
Body Systems Restoration
Energy System Clearing
Higher Awareness (DNA) Activation
YT channel: Katka Lipka
Free Healing Transmission Videos:
The Right and Left Brain Balancing
Separation of Germs Consciousness from Human Consciousness
Negative Energy Clearing & Cord Cutting
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