The lungs are the organ of JOY.
They gather the pure life force of the air and convert it into energy.
Healthy lungs are full of laugh and giggle with the joy of existence.
We breathe in the life force (joy of life) into our system that activates and connects all 3 main master cells that we carry with us in all of our embodiments (one is in the brain, one in the heart and at the last one at the base of spine).
The respiratory tract and its movement, powered by breathing muscles, carry air into and out of the lungs.
Deep inside the lungs, gases are exchanged.
On inhalation, life-giving oxygen is absorbed from air, while carbon dioxide waste is passed into the air, to be expelled from the body on exhalation.
A secondary function of the respiratory system is vocalization.
Body systems directly connected with respiratory system are muscular, skeletal and cardiovascular.
Since oxygen is vital for life, the respiratory system transfers oxygen from air to blood, so the cardiovascular system can distribute it, while the muscular system and skeleton systems drive the movements of breathing. The air is often contaminated with dust particles, harmful microbes, allergens, and hazardous, irritant, and cancer-causing chemicals. All of these items can damage the systems delicate parts, making respiratory disorders among the most common of all illnesses.
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When we lose a loved one , every cell in our body grieves for the loss of that person.
If you shared with that person DNA, you can no longer to connect on physical level and body will go through a morning process.
When GRIEF is never released it is stored in the lungs – this is silent crying.
Grieving is usually released by tears. If people are not allowed to grief they get challenges in their lungs – cause physical detriment and weaken immune system. Releasing lungs will release adrenals.
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If there are sinus problems, we need to cry to release emotions that have built up.
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Men are strong conditioned by society belief system that they are not permit to cry and so to grieve and release pain held in the body. They are taught by society this false damaging programs of ‘being strong ones’. The supressed emotional congestion builds up sorrow in the lungs.
Lungs want to release the sorrow and grief of mistakes and regrets. Regretting a decision takes up time.
The ideal is to let go and move forward.
In reality we torture ourselves for our mistakes.
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Lungs breath in the divine (oxygen, light, spirit, life force) and
by release of sadness, grief and sorrow your connection will become stronger.
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Any disbalance (sickness) associated with the lungs generally has to do with
remorse and
emotional pain.
Lungs are connected to adrenal glands which also hold feelings resentment,
anxiety and
of being overwhelmed.
Vulnerability issues are going to be addressed within the respiratory restoration too.
If there is addressed area of love, you may fall for another one.
Respiratory system disorders / disbalances:
Asthma, Common Cold, Flu, Sinusitis, Sinus infection, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Cancer, Emphysema, Allergies, Fungus, Polyps
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The examples of (-) non beneficial beliefs and programs that are causing imbalance within respiratory system. All related beliefs are either removed or re-programmed during the restoration session:
I have to live in grief.
I have to grieve all the time.
I have to live in sorrow.
I feel everyone’s sorrow but it never leaves.
The earth is too harsh.
If I’m too happy something bad will happen.
I regret my decision.
I regret my past.
This earth is too difficult.
I am starving for love.
No one cares.
Love hurts.
If I keep this pain, I will remember to look after myself.
Fear of taking in life.
I panic easily.
I must carry the weight of the world,
I torture myself for my mistake.
Not worthy of living.
I must gossip.
I cannot breath easily.
I don’t know how to take action.
I feel lonely.
I feel so sad.
Emotional wounds that are not allowed to heal.
The only emotion I can have is anger.
I cannot sing.
I am lost to God.
Life is sorrow.
Only difficult life lessons matter.
It’s wrong to move forward.
If I have too much I will destroy myself.
I am lonely on this planet.
It is impossible to change this planet.
The examples of (+) Beneficial Programs and Downloads for 100% Divine function of the respiratory system. These are either re-activated or downloaded during the restoration session:
I know how to live without regret.
I know how to live without being a victim.
I am filled with joy.
I know how to live in joy.
I know what forgiveness feels like.
I know how to be understood.
I understand myself.
I can live without gossip.
I breath easily.
I know how to take action.
I take action in my life.
I know how to communicate with my body.
Ii is okay to cry.
I know how to compassionate the people without taking on and storing their pain and sadness.
I am excited to be alive.
I know how to value every moment.
I am ready to take the next step.
You may check using the muscle testing or other technique whether you are run by such beliefs and programs within your psychic system. Also, you can check them out after the session is performed. I can garantee you that all of them will be gone from your subconscious and conscious mind.
Legend: Used literature
The goal of the Respiratory System Restoration Session is to bring
your Respiratory System back into balance and its 100% functionality.
during this session?
within this system?
Divine Love
Forgiveness for themselves and others.
The session is performed at distance and this is a non visual session. You will be required to lay down for 1 and half hour on your back with eyes closed.
Integration time is 2 weeks and full integration takes up to 3 months.
Session Cost: £250